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What is an options paper?

Options papers frame a problem and outline what support is needed to resolve. Organisations use them to decide where to spend money and time. Learn how to write options papers here.

In management, Apr 26, 2024

Conway's Law for Business People

Conway’s Law is that teams will create products that reflect the structures of the organsiation they work within. Learn how to use this to your advantage.

In leadership, Mar 17, 2024

Organisational Debt

We’re familiar with financial debt. Workers in IT understand technical debt. Recognising organisational debt and how to manage it is important for leaders to succeed in their mission.

In transformation, Feb 10, 2024

No Benefit Without Process Change

We need constant change to keep a company in business. To get the full benefit of change one must consider process and behavioural changes alongside new capabilities.

In leadership, Jan 10, 2024