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Organisational Debt

We’re familiar with financial debt. Workers in IT understand technical debt. Recognising organisational debt and how to manage it is important for leaders to succeed in their mission.

In transformation, Feb 10, 2024

No Benefit Without Process Change

We need constant change to keep a company in business. To get the full benefit of change one must consider process and behavioural changes alongside new capabilities.

In leadership, Jan 10, 2024

The Three Threads of Leadership

Leadership is: direction, mentorship and coaching. Analysing these components helps identify better ways to deliver and receive each, accelerating individual and organisational growth.

In leadership, Dec 03, 2023

Deming's Perspective on Quality Management: Understanding Faults of the System

One of the fundamental principles of W. Edwards Deming’s philosophy is that management, rather than individual contributors, bears the responsibility for ensuring a conducive environm...

In culture, Nov 10, 2023